Thursday, September 25, 2003

Just a thought
The last few days, I've been watching the 1980s BBC Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which, even though it falls short in many areas, namely Zaphod and effects that aren't that special, it's at least in the spirit of the original radio presentation. (At least if I remember correctly.) I haven't found a lot of news lately on the oft proposed feature film version, but I got to thinking - instead of a live action version (Jack Davenport would be perfect for Arthur Dent in a live-action version), maybe they should go for a Final Fantasy-type animated version. I think it would give a lot more flexibility when it came to the appearance of the characters. And since, if they really wanted to do it right, many of the characters would be CGI anyway in a live action version, it would only make sense.

Of course, this doesn't even address compressing the story into a two-hour chunk or "Americanizing" it (dumbing it down) for consumption more than 20 years after the original story was written.

Maybe if the live-action version of the film proceeds, Peter Jackson can take it over and talk someone into financing a trilogy of five movies. Wouldn't that be great.


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