Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Tivo rules!
I was skeptical about Tivo. After all, I had a VCR and it recorded shows whenever I needed them recorded. So what was the big deal? Was it that Tivo could record something on one satellite channel while you watched another? You couldn't do that with the VCR. No, that's not it. Is it that you can record two different shows on two different channels at the same time while watching a third channel. Nope. Was it that you could tell your Tivo to record an show anytime it came on and not have to worry about programming a VCR? That's not it either. Is it that after a while Tivo tells you not only what shows you like through its "suggestions," but can automatically record them and watch them for you, thus leaving you free of having to watch television at all. Yep, that's it.
We've had Tivo a week now and it's watched hours and hours of television for us. Right now, its watching both 24 and South Park for me. Later it'll watch The Shield and The Daily Show for me, leaving me free to spend my time constructively by playing Bejeweled, watching a DVD, posting to my Blog or maybe just wasting time altogether. Of course, at some point, I guess I'll watch all those Sex in the City episodes stored on Tivo's hard drive along with this week's Enterprise and half a dozen or so South Park episodes, but not until I'm good and damn ready to. After all, who do these cable people think they are telling me what to watch and when to watch it.


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