Tuesday, September 02, 2003

I don't want my MTV!
I didn't see the kiss, but to paraphrase Bill Maher, it was like every teenage boy's fantasy, to hot you chick making out with their grandmother. This past weekend, due to boredom and illness, we sat around and watched the wanning moments of the MTV Music Video Awards to see just exactly which artists the music industry wants us to be paying attention to. Unfortunately, other than Coldplay and maybe Eminem, I really don't give a rat's ass about many of the other artists there.

Sure, I'm out of the target demographic that the MTV is aiming for, but guess what, I'm 36 or so, I have money, and I love to spend it on music. And not just crusty old artists like Duran Duran, whose reception by the audience while receiving their Lifetime Achievement Award, was somewhat cold, to put it politely.

Okay, so here I am ranting about the MTV again. Just don't watch it. Your too old. You're becoming the creepy old guy who always wants to keep up with what the kids today are doing so you can lure one of them into the back of you van with the promise of listening to the new 50 Cent album. Well, maybe, except for that whole luring young people into the back of the van with 50 Cent albums. I don't have a van and I can't really stand young people. I didn't even like most of them when I was young.

My problem with the MTV is this, it has gone from hip and controversial, to single-handedly making controversy boring! Twenty years ago people were freaking because Madonna was writing around the MTV stage in a wedding gown singing Like A Virgin. Today, Madonna smooches with Brittany and Christina, and the only one outraged is that one little old lady in Atlanta who was offended to see the photo on the front page of her newspaper.

In 1981, I couldn't wait to get my MTV. Billy Idol told me I had to have it. And we all know Billy knows best. I guess I should just be glad that I can tune into VH1 Classics and watch those old, poorly made videos from the 1970s and early 1980s with poor sound, no scantily clad women (except for the Duran Duran videos) and just wait until they put me in the old folks home. At lest there, I can listen to my Thompson Twins albums in peace.


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