Thursday, September 02, 2004

Oh, the pain. The pain.

It's not every day that one of my apendages turns black. But that's exactly what happened Tuesday. One of my toes, which had been red and swollen for several days, had really gotten rather disgusting looking. So, with a little encouraqgement from Rebecca, I went to the doctor yesterday. Turns out a I a severe staph infection in my toe. Fun. So, since then I have been popping some of the anthrax-killing antibiotics, anti-inflamitories and pain killers.

Naturall though, I though this morning I would still have no problem going to work. Afterall, working at the library is nothing like working at the paper. I can sit my ass behind a desk al day and I'm doing my job. After a couple of hours, my assistants told me to go home. Who am I to argue?

The up side to the story is that just over 24 hours later, my toes has turned from black and swollen to red and swollen, I've got plenty of time to sit around and goof off (I wish my Trek DVDs had come in today, though), and it appears my toe is probably not going to fall off. That's always good news.


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