Saturday, October 23, 2004


I have been remiss in my movie viewing for a number of months. Most of the movies that come out nowadays, I am content to wait another four to six months until they come out on DVD and watch them in the comfort of my own home. However, this past week, I finally got around to seeing Sky Captian and the World of Tomorrow and Team America: World Police.

Sky Captian first. Wow! What a georgeous movie. Stylistically, it is beautiful. I have always loved the retro-future look, a throwback to movies such as Metropolis and Things to Come. The story was well done. As good a salute to the old serials as Raiders of the Lost Ark. Jude Law is perfect in movies such as this because he doesn't look real to begin with. I say this without feeling any threat to my heterosexuality, he is a pretty man, too pretty to be natural. So he's perfecft as a character in what is basically a computer-generated movie or as the gigalo robot in Artificial Intelligence. I can't say I care either way for Gwynneth Paltrow, she can't act anyway her role didn't require much in the way of acting to begin with, so it didn't matter. It was a fun movie and something a little different from the standard fair.

Team America: Trey and Matt have done it again. While it didn't have as many laugh out loud moments as, say, the South Park movie, it was a very clever and well written satire. One of the things we lack today is good satire. There are too many people afraid of offending this group or that group or any group and they end up making the motion picture equivalent of styrofoam. I found it amusing when walking out of the theater to hear the comments of those leaving, including the groupn of college-age women who found the movie offensive mainly because of the language. People, you've got to do your research. At least read the little line of type under the Rated R printed on the movie poster. It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out that a movie involving Trey Parker and Matt Stone is going to not only contain a great deal of harsh language, but it's probably going to ridicule something you feel strongly about, whether it's the "war on terror," action movies or puppet sex. Speaking of which, I can't wait for the unrated DVD. If that was the edited puppet sex scene, I gotta see the whole thing.

These two films have temporarily restored my faith in movies which was shattered by M. Night Shymalan and the extrodinarily crappy The Village.


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