Friday, December 24, 2004

The Year in Review

One of the yearly traditions at the newspaper was the year in review articles we always ran, mainly in order to fill space during the slow holidays. I always broke them down into three parts for the last three weeks of the year so I would have to do as little other work as possible.

Since I don't have to worry about that at the liberry, I decided to do my own personal year in review. The year I've chosen is 1985 because I can remember some of the stuff I did that year.

January - Started the last semester of high school.

February - Received straight Superior ratings at Solo and ensemble

- Attended I-55 band clinic. Made first chair. Ironically enough, Rebecca was second chair. It's where we met.

March - Spring break. Managed to make it trhough withou any trips to the emergecy room.

- Drank my first bottle of burbon.

April - Tears for Fears album "Songs from the Big Chair" released. One of the best albums ever.

May - Graduated from high school

June - Spent next two months working in the city cemetery. Actually a pretty good job.

July - Spent a lot of time drinking beer with high school buddies before we went off to college.

August - Went off to college. Spent a lot of time drinking beer with friends from college and the on the weekends with friends from high school.

September - December - Did college stuff

December - Bought my first electric bass guitar.


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