Friday, December 16, 2005

Latest Video Game Obsession

I like video games. Mostly, I'm pretty old school when it comes to video games. My favorites usually involve a small electonic blob at the bottom of the screen moving back and forth shooting at small electronic blobs at the top of the screen, or some variation of this. Of course, moving around a maze or other landscape while being chased by ghosts or pookas is a lot of fun too.

But that's not to say I haven't enjoyed other types of game and that I haven't moved up in the world. Fifteen years ago, Rebecca and I got a Super Nintendo for a wedding present and had lots of fun with Super Mario Brothers, Sim City, Zelda, and lots of other adventure-style quest games. And since I've played Dungeons and Dragons for 25 or so years, once I got a computer, I naturally began playing the increasingly complex D&D based games and other similar games.

One genre I haven't really warmed to is the first-person shooter. Just never have been a big fan of Doom or similar games. But recently, we were given an extended loan of a GameCube and Rebecca started getting the Resident Evil games. They were a little more than just simple first person shooters that I've played in the past, but, still, they didn't really float my boat.

Then we got Resident Evil 4.

Not planning on playing it, I watched my wife play for a couple of weeks. The graphics were amazing. The environment was expansive. And it was more than just walking around shooting zombies. So I started a game. And it's been fun.

It's got a complex story, in line with the Resident Evil universe. You've got a lot of different options for weapons and even have a weapons dealer that pops up from time to time. Plus, you take everything with you instead of having to run from storage box to storage box.

Rebecca finished the game first. I finished the game last weekend and started a second round (with all the weapons and supplies left over from the previous game). I finished the second round last night and started a third round, this time with an Infinite Rocket Launcher, a prize you can purchase after defeating the game, but it's expensive.

Now, it's just total carnage, which has really been a lot of fun. I'm sure the carnage will lose its allure in a few days, and then I'll go back to my partially completed D&D game.


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