Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Speaking of classic sci-fi
There are a number of "classic" sci-fi movies from the 60's and 70's that I've just been waiting for on DVD. The Green Slime is one of those classic American/Japanese/Italian sci-fi movies of the 60's. Moving into the 70s, there is Starship Invasions which teams up Robert Vaughn and Christopher Lee in a film that I actually went to see at the theater twice. Both times as a second feature to a Godzilla movie. Then you have Laserblast, a movie about which I remember nothings, except going to the theater to watch. I had even forgotten that Roddy McDowell was in it until I read the imdb page. And of course, there is the David Hasselhoff/Caroline Munro opus Starcrash. People, if you haven't seen this one, it's like having never watched Star Wars. I mean it would be some kind of warped, bizzarro Star Wars made in Italy and with Christopher Plummer as the Emperor of the Galaxy, but Star Wars nonetheless.

Why should just the quality movies, ones with good actors, sharp writing, special effects that actually cost money, and plots, get the digitally remastered, special edition DVD treatment. There needs to be more crap from the 1960s and 1970s, especially sci-fi. The later catalog of Nick Adams would be an excellent place to start. Perhaps a boxed set, even.


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