Sunday, August 15, 2004

My Adventure with Apple

The day started simply enough. Go to work for a few hours then hop in the car, head to Memphis to the Apple Store to get a new iPod. The iPod is Rebecca's treat to herself for working at the law firm all summer and since school starts back in a week, what better time.

Now, we've resigned ourselves to the fact that a trip to the Apple Store tends to get expensive. We've gone once without out spending a penny, but every other time a game or piece of hardware finds its way home. This trip was no different. Rebecca got her iPod and I had found the cables I needed to better hook up instruments and headphones to the computer to use GarageBand. We also looked into getting an Airport hub so we could surf on the PowerBook from anywhere in the house. So the Airport hub then jumps into our arms ready to go to its new home.

I then started talking to one of the sales guys about improving the performance of GarageBand and Rebecca was talking to another associate about accesserizing her new iPod. Then the two conversations came together and we discovered that if you buy an iPod and an iBook or PowerBook at the Apple Store, you get a $200 rebate. Ears perk up. But you know, $200 is great, but it's not enough to really justify getting a whole 'nother computer. Afterall, we just got the PowerBook last year when Rebecca started law school. The young woman smiled. "Oh, you're a student. Then you get another discount on top of the rebate." Another sales associate then looked up exactly what rebates we would get. Well, just last night we'd been talking about the fact that the eMac is great, but it's only 700 mhz and I've kind of hit a major speed bump when it comes to recording....

The long and the short of it is this: I'm sitting on the couch writing this post on my new 14" iBook using our new wireless network while Rebecca configures her new 40 gig iPod. Can't say I've ever bought a computer as an impulse buy before. And when the credit card bill comes in next month, I'll probably regret it (maybe just a liitle, but not much). But I've justified it by telling myself this: It looks like we're about to sell the house in Aberdeen and the money we have left over after paying off the realtor and paying the balance owed on the house will more than cover it. In the meantime, I've resigned myself to dining on warmed-over water and maybe the occasional pebble or clump 0f grass for the next few months. But at least I'm wireless....


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