Monday, September 15, 2003

Enterprise's "Relaunch"
Okay, I didn't get to see the season premier of enterprise until late Saturday night and I wanted a couple of days to get my thoughts in order. Here's what I thought: It was good.

It wasn't great. It wasn't "Way of the Warrior" which took a good-if-ordinary DS9 and began the transformation to the best stretch of star Trek ever. It wasn't a bold new direction. Or, it seemed to me, even a new direction. It was just good. It seemed more of a continuation of the tweeking of the series which really kicked in earlier in the spring. I think some of the tweeks can work and some of the plot changes might be positive if they don't wuss out. The story seems a little bit of a weak start for this new dramatic arc, but it had its moments. It seemed more like the second episode of the season with the season finale back in the spring being the first.

Some things that did bother me were: The theme - they should have either left the song alone or changed it completely. It's been made even lamer; Archer - sure he's a man with a mission now, but where Picard and Sisko were transformed into leaders, he seems to just be a grouch who needs either a nap, some coffee, or to get laid; Hoshi meeting the MACOs - You'd think with a crew of 100 living on the ship for at least a few months, everyone would know everyone else and not have to introduce themselves to one another at the dinner table; T'Pol's breasts - Now I have nothing against a good set of naked female breasts, in fact I think there should be more of them, but the whole T'Pol/Trip set-up was actually kind of painful. I think it might make a good matchup for the series, but please, can we get any more contrived.

I did think the Xindi counsel was cool. The CGI creatures were much better than Species BR549 on Voyager.

I do think the ending where they come upon the remains of the Xindi world should have been slightly different.

T'Pol - We've come out of warp into some kind of meteor show. An asteroid collision. It's not on the charts.
Archer - What's going on.
T'Pol - Our position's correct, except no Xindi planet.
Archer - what do you mean? Where is it?
T'Pol - That's what I'm trying to tell you sir. It's been totally blown away.

You get the idea.


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