Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Who's behind door number 3?
Okay. After much deliberation, I had pretty much made up my mind who I was going to support in the 2004 presidential race. It might surprise those who have known me for all these years to know that I have to this point been rooting for liberal Democrat Howard Dean. I know, it's a stretch, but just go with it. Early on, I liked John Edwards, as much for the fact that he was more of a centrist, making him more marketable. Also because he was a Southerner, and to win the presidency, a candidate will have to win at least something in the south. Plus, he can talk to dead people, and that could come in really handy during a campaign and as president.

Now, Wesley Clark has thrown his hat into the race. He's got the liberalism of Dean, and is not afraid to use the "L" word when he talks about himself. He's a Southerner, from the great state of Arkansas, home of the greatest president since Kennedy (in all kinds of ways). I don't know if he can communicate with the dead, but he was a 4 star general and while I'm not usually impressed with military credentials (I do support the military, I just don't like violence and if you don't believe me I'll kick your ass), he has an impressive military and educational background. Plus he does really well on television, which is important these days.

It's still a little too early to be handicapping the race. With 10 Democrats in the race, there's every possibility the vote could be divided and Al Sharpton could be nominated. If that were the case, I'd probably be calling David up for info on the Libertarian candidate.


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