Sunday, August 07, 2005

Is someone jealous, maybe

The latest addition to the list of sour grapes authors is none other than fantasy writer Terry Pratchett, who is apparently a little jealous over the success of the Harry Potter series of books. Pratchett, who has milked Discworld for about 749 books, seems to have gotten his nose put out of joint because Potter author J.K. Rowling is not a huge fan of fantasy and is trying to reinvent the genre (which, for the most part in the last 20 year or so has gotten pretty dull and pretty silly.) So now Pratchett joins the ranks of such sci-fi and fantasy luminaries as Harlan Ellison and the previous most recent entrant Orson Scott Card, as world class jerks. (For those who don't know, both Ellison and Card have both run down Star Trek, for various reasons, the most likely being that Star Trek is better and more popular than anything they have ever come up with - Ender's Game included.)


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