Wednesday, June 09, 2004

More moving
The walls are mostly bare and the boxes are stacking up. And as I go though the different rooms, I find plenty of stuff that has been long forgotten. I discovered a box of comic books that probably hasn't been opened since I moved from Oxford 12 years ago. Don't know what all is in there, I'll wait until I get settled and see what there is.

One thing that is a lot different with this move is my willingness to go ahead and throw stuff away. I'm a pack rat by nature, but I'm also realizing that by moving from a house that's about 2,700 square feet to one less than 1,500 square feet, something's got to go. Plus, I'm beginning to realize that I'll probably never finish that thesis I started in graduate school 14 years ago.

This weekend will be the major part of the move. We'll rent the truck, load as much as possible and hope that the forecast rain holds off long enough for us to get the furniture in the new house. This means I'll spend next week basically camping out in an empty house as I spend my last few days at the paper. It'll be just like roughing it in the wild. I'll just have a mattress, a TV and my computer. It'll be tough, but it's no more of a hardship that endured by our ancestors who set out in covered wagons to settle this great land, equipped with meager black and white televisions, no cable, no Tivo, and primitive dial-up 1200 bps modems.

Isn't this just fascinating.


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