Wednesday, December 28, 2005

More From the Greedy Bastards File

The bad news just keeps getting worse for the music industry as the New York Attorney General's office is now looking into whether music companies are engaging in price fixing when it comes to digital downloads.

I'd like to think this was spurred, at least in part, by Steve Jobs' comments earlier this year criticizing the indistry for wanting to raise prices for downloads. This has been a bad year for the big music industry players, sales continue to slide, payola investigations, the Sony spyware fiasco, continued bad press over illegal downloading. I can only hope that the industry will look at all that's going on and decide it's time to change their ways, but if they don't, I'll just keep listening to my independent music.

Just for the record, I've now bought more CDs by independent, self-produced artists this year than main stream record label artists.


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